Reader Mail

I don’t often receive email about Bringing It All Back Home, so when I do, it is a treat. I found this in my Facebook messages this morning:

“Good Morning Phil, So I thought I had read “Bringing it all Back Home”. I hadn’t, I was wrong. I finished it last night at about 2:00 AM. I found myself in your book, such commonalities as to be creepy. The event that stirred me to activism was the Welcome home parade for the Iranian hostages. I also went on a 25-year bender, drinking myself into oblivion nearly every night. I joined the VVAW and left because they became too radical. I “Found” VVA at a street fair in Queens I was covering for a local newspaper. Pat Toro recruited me. Clean and sober since 2003, I got really active in VVA. I still have nightmares (Sleeping and waking) but I’m in a group at the Vet Center that meets weekly. I thank you for writing “Bringing it All Back Home” and I’ll be telling others about it. If a Vietnam Veteran Can’t see himself in the book, he isn’t looking. Thanks once again.”

Oral History and Moral Injury

Academic publication frequently means “print.” The @oralhistreview has given me the opportunity to share some of the audio recordings that shaped my understanding of moral injury. Listen here:


Brooklyn College has posted a mini-documentary featuring me and two women who served in Vietnam. (Gotta say, I ain’t a TV natural!)

This was shot over a year ago, and it highlights two amazing women. Sue O’Neil was a nurse at the 27th Surgical Hospital in Vietnam, and Dr. Jeannie Christie served as a Red Cross volunteer in Vietnam